Ever thought of making handmade Pasta? Yes! Handmade tonnarelli is the best pasta shape, and it can be made with just three ingredients and love. Knead the “00” Italian pasta flour, semolina flour, and eggs to form the pasta dough. Spaghetti-like pasta shape (Tonnarelli) is three steps away: prepare the dough, roll the dough, and pass through the pasta cutting tool.
- 400g Semola flour (durum wheat flour)
- 100g Italian 00 flour
- 5 whole eggs
Prepare the Dough
- To make the pasta dough, arrange the flour on the work surface and make a well in the center. Add the eggs in the center of well.
- Beat the eggs using the fork and pull in a little bit of flour from the sides at a time.
- When the eggs are no longer runny, start mixing the dough with your hands and knead the pasta dough for 10 minutes.
- You are done kneading when you notice that the pasta dough has a smooth touch and does not stick to your hand. One more thing about the dough is firmness. When you push the pasta dough, it should be firm enough to spring back.
- Cover the dough with plastic wrap or some clean towel and rest for at least half an hour.
Transform the dough into pasta shape
- Divide the dough into four equal portions. Roll and stretch the dough with a pasta machine. Fold the stretch pasta and then pass through the pasta machine. Reduce the rolling space each time you feed the pasta dough to stretch.
- Repeat the folding stretching process until the dough is square and 2-3 mm in thickness. Cut the pasta sheets into squares if they become too long.
- Sprinkle some dry semolina flour on the pasta tool and sheets to avoid sticking. Arrange the pasta sheet on the Chitarra Pasta Cutter and use a rolling pin or roller to press down on the pasta sheet, pushing it through the metal wires. Make sure that all the pasta has fallen through the chitarra.
- Collect the spaghetti alla chitarra from the pasta cutter tool and cut all the pasta sheets using the same process. Separate the pasta strands with hands that are still sticking with your hands.
- Swirl the square pasta noodles with your hand and dust them with flour. Arrange the mound on a baking tray dusted with semolina flour, and the tonnarelli pasta is ready for your favorite pasta dishes.
Cook the Tonnarelli in Famous Style
- Cacio e Pepe: Tonnarelli Cacio e Pepe (the name itself means “cheese and pepper”) is prepared with the al dente tonnarelli pasta combined with black peppers and pecorino cheese.
- Chitarrine alla Teramana: Toss the al dente tonnarelli with tomato sauce and cooked tiny meatballs to make the square spaghetti in teramana style.
- The general rule of kneading _ The general rule of making the pasta dough is using one egg for 100g of flour. Still, if you notice that the egg has mostly absorbed the flour and doesn’t blend further, it’s OK! It happens because of small eggs.
- Dust with flour _ One small thing that most people ignore and don’t pay much attention to is dusting with flour. Dust the chitarra (pasta cutter tool) with a lot of semolina flour. Oh, the other (How can I forget about that!) Dust the square spaghetti strands with a lot of flour while making a pile to avoid sticking the pasta strands.
- Space for the pasta sheets to stretch _ Left a space of about 2 inches on the chitarra tool on top and bottom because the pasta sheets will stretch while you roll the pasta sheets.
- Prep Time: 20 min
- Resting time: 30 min
- Cook Time: 7 min
- Category: Pasta
- Cuisine: Italian